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There are currently 7 names in this directory beginning with the letter N.
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
An American stock exchange originally founded by the National Association of Securities Dealers. When the NASDAQ stock exchange began trading on February 8, 1971, it was the world’s first electronic stock market.
Net Asset Value
The net market value of a mutual fund’s current holdings divided by the number of outstanding shares. The product of this division estimates the per-share value of the fund’s assets.
Net Income
A company’s total revenues minus its costs, expenses, and taxes. Net income is the bottom line of a company’s income statement (which may also be called the profit and loss statement).
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
A stock exchange located on Wall Street in New York City, NY. Many regard the NYSE as the largest exchange in the U.S., and possibly in the world.
Non-contributory Retirement Plan
A retirement plan that is funded entirely by employer contributions, with no employee contributions.